The Benefits of Being Organized and How to Get There


Staying organized can sometimes be a tough endeavor. In speaking with friends and family, I often hear that they don't have the time to be organized. An old friend of mine once said that organization is for nerds. Whatever your opinion on the issue of organization is, I can assure you from personal experience that being organized saves time, reduces stress, and improves your ability to get results and be successful.The fact is that being organized is not just for nerds; successful people have learned the benefits of being organized and then how to overcome some of the common problems that may prevent people from being organized.

Being Organized Reduces Stress

Many people probably realize that clutter and chaos increases stress. However, for many others, even the thought of trying to organize things produces more stress. This is why it's important to stay organized and never let your life get into a chaotic state in the first place. When your world is cluttered and in chaos then it's likely that your mind will feel the same way as well.

From a personal perspective I can say that I have a hard time getting things done when things are cluttered and not put in their right place. Often times I will need to take the time to clean off my desk, for example, before I can focus I'm getting a task done. This usually happens when I return to work from a vacation and everyone haphazardly places stuff on my desk for attention.

In the kitchen, I'm also challenged to cook a good meal when there are dishes that need to be cleaned. I'd rather have a clean slate to start with then to start amidst a chaotic environment. Staying organized and keeping up with the chores is important to reduce stress because it allows your mind to be free to focus on the task at hand rather than to worry about the clutter.  Furthermore, clutter and disorganization can be a distraction and even a safety hazard.

Being Organized Saves Time

Paper organized by color in a beautiful stack.

Aside from reducing stress, one of the biggest benefits of being organized is being able to find stuff quickly when you need them. No one likes searching through the junk drawer for flashlight when the power goes out. No one likes searching for their keys when they're already late. And surely no one likes to search for that special outfit or accessory when they're on their way out for a night on the town. Staying organized will solve most of these problems making it easier for you to get things done and to be on time. Organization will promote punctuality and productivity. I have personally experienced this in my own life.

Another key benefit to being organized is that your home, your room, your life, your workplace, and everything else will look good. Who doesn't like a clean home and clean house right? Being organized will go a long way to benefit your life including making you more attractive and appealing. A bookshelf organized with books based on size, color, subject, or author is going to look a lot nicer then a shelf with books thrown haphazardly all over the place. The same goes for your workspace, your child's room, and everywhere else in life. Research has shown that people who are in environments that are clean and organized experience less stress, are more productive, and are generally happier.

The Most Common Excuse for Clutter and How to Overcome It


The most common excuse that I hear from people who aren't organized is that they don't have time or money to do it. However, this excuse can often be a manifestation of a fear of getting started. People often feel overwhelmed and don't know where to start when it comes to getting organized.

In the beginning, you will need to dedicate some time to get started.  Be sure to clear your calendar. Next is to think about a plan or a system that you could create to get things moving.  You'll need to think about things like: What am I willing to throw away?  What can I sell or donate?  What shall I keep? Where will these things go?  Answering these basic questions can help you to get started. Also, don't forget to start small; do a little bit at a time or do one room at a time. Small victories will encourage and motivate you to do more and chase bigger victories.

When you are ready to go, begin by picking up your first item and then decide to put it in one of four places: in the trash pile, the sell pile, the donate pile, and the keep pile.  Once you've sorted all of your stuff in a particular area, it's now time to decide to put the things away that you're going to keep.  There's a saying that goes, everything in its place and a place for everything. If you don't have a place for everything then you need to make room. You may need to invest in bins or boxes to store things properly. Even cleverly positioned shelves can help. Focus on maximizing the space that you have available and place things together in an orderly fashion.

Another great way to get started on a journey to organization is to enlist the help of a friend or family member.  Having a helping hand can make all the difference in taking a monumentous task and making it easier to accomplish.  It can sometimes be embarrassing to ask others for help, however, don't let that stop you from getting organized. Many hands make light work.

Think About the End Game

When it comes to de-cluttering your life, always keep the end goal in the back of your mind.  Remind yourself why you want or need to get organized and stay laser-focused to get there.  Think about how great you will feel when you've completed the task of finally getting organized.  Your mood will improve, you'll have less stress, and your home will look better and be more inviting.  Once you've achieved your organizational goals, you will be free to focus on other things.


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